Opiate Detox: An Alternative To Traditional Detox
A new solution for a problem that’s gotten out of hand.
Call Georgia Ketamine to schedule a consultation today. Let us help you deal with the pain of opiate withdrawal. 855-438-5382
Opiate Abuse
People take opiates for a wide variety of reasons, but far too frequently, they run into trouble after a period of time. Thus begins a cycle of abuse where the person tries to stop taking opiates feels the flu-like symptoms of withdrawal and begins to take them again.
The consequences of this painful cycle can be devastating not to mention life-threatening.
There is hope.
Opiate Detox Programs
According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, more than 130 people overdose and die every single day. The level of drug abuse in our country has never been higher.
We need more solutions. And, opiate detox programs are only part of the solution.
To add to the problem, our treatment options are fairly limited and locked into a certain mindset. Not everyone sees addiction as a disease which means if we struggle to define the problem, we will naturally struggle to find appropriate solutions, but clearly, one size doesn’t fit all.
When it comes to opiate abuse, the options don’t even include inpatient detox anymore. Most insurance companies view opiate abuse as a non-life threatening detox process, so they won’t cover it on an inpatient level. This leaves only outpatient options.

Outpatient Detox
In the old days, someone who was abusing opiates checked into a local inpatient hospital and was treated with detox medications. Those days are long gone.
Sure, a physician will treat detox with medication, but it’s only on an outpatient basis, but even these choices are somewhat limited.
Suboxone, often called buprenorphine, is a drug that reduces the symptoms of opiate withdrawal. It can be used as part of the treatment process to help opiate abusers begin to learn recovery skills, but most treatment providers disagree on how long the person should stay on this medication. It’s fair to say that it varies for each individual.
While many people try this route, which involves taking Suboxone rather than opiates, it can be a long-term process. Many people end to stay on Suboxone for extended periods of time. This is why many “old-fashioned” drug counselors don’t like Suboxone as a treatment option because it comes very close to the negative perception of “replacing one drug for another” which was the main criticism for methadone treatment.
However, this is a bit of an oversimplification since Suboxone is more commonly used in conjunction with other treatment modalities.
An Alternative To Traditional Opiate Detox Programs
For many people struggling with opiates abuse, they just want an exit strategy. They want a way to stop using the drugs without going through the pain of withdrawal. At Georgia Ketamine, we have helped many patients take the initial steps to get their life back.
Ketamine Infusion Therapy
More than 50 years ago, Ketamine was a drug that was used as a mild anesthetic. In the past 15 years, there have been studies that show that low doses of Ketamine, administered through an infusion can alleviate opiate withdrawal symptoms.
The process of getting a ketamine treatment is simple. After a simple intake process, the patient comes into the clinic on the assigned day, and he or she is taken to a treatment room and placed in a big comfortable chair. Our medical staff administers the infusion which takes a few hours depending upon the protocol for the particular individual.
Ketamine treatments are confidential, discreet and help the individual move past the difficulties of opiate withdrawal. It’s the first step in moving forward with your life. Isn’t it time you left opiates behind?

Local Opiate Detox Options
If you want to safely withdraw from opiates in the quiet, confidential, professional offices of our clinic, call Georgia Ketamine. We will help reduce the discomfort of opiate withdrawal symptoms. From there, we will give you as much direction as you want about how to get your life back on track. Click here to find out more about Opiate Detox in Cumming
Call us to discuss if ketamine infusion therapy is right for you. If so, we'll book an appointment.
We'll begin with a full consultation and discuss your needs and various protocols. Click or call us today.
1370 Thompson Bridge Road,
Suite 101
Gainesville, GA 30501
Tues, Thur, Fri
9:00am to 4:00pm
By appointment only